October 31, 2014
October 30, 2014
E-Book release!!
The Awakening, Book 1 of the Broken Bloodlines series.
It's official e-book release is Thanksgiving Day, but you can preorder it here!
Here are the deets:
One cold November night, a very special pair of twin girls were born.
Little did those screaming, red-faced infants know that on their 19th
birthday, they would both be plunged into the middle of a battle between
ancient beings ...
Nashel is a large town with a special history. There are different kinds of beings that watch over it, and guard its precious cargo. Calissa and Kaellina Dorr grew up as outcasts on the edge of Nashel and are now sworn enemies. Both want control over Nashel and what its hiding under its many layers. Calissa, with help of the other ancient beings that inhabit Nashel, is trying to keep Kaellina from finding that which she so desperately seeks. Each sister has dangerous, new powers that no one in Nashel has seen before and the future will be decided by the winner of the war between beings.
In this first book of the Broken Bloodlines series, meet the main characters and learn the prestory of the Morgins.
Nashel is a large town with a special history. There are different kinds of beings that watch over it, and guard its precious cargo. Calissa and Kaellina Dorr grew up as outcasts on the edge of Nashel and are now sworn enemies. Both want control over Nashel and what its hiding under its many layers. Calissa, with help of the other ancient beings that inhabit Nashel, is trying to keep Kaellina from finding that which she so desperately seeks. Each sister has dangerous, new powers that no one in Nashel has seen before and the future will be decided by the winner of the war between beings.
In this first book of the Broken Bloodlines series, meet the main characters and learn the prestory of the Morgins.
Broken Bloodlines,
The Awakening,
October 29, 2014
The Awakening available for Pre-Order!
It's release date is sooner than expected! Pre- Order Book 1 of the Broken Bloodlines series with this link:
It will be released Thanksgiving Day! Upload it to your Kindle and Enjoy it while your digesting your Thanksgiving meal, and before you pass out from the overload of tryptophan.
As always, I'm always open to hosting other authors on my blog!
Email me at: kellyraine1818@gmail.com to send me your info!
Remember, we're in this publishing struggle together.
You can all relax, Mercury Retrograde is over
I kept seeing all these little snippets on social media about Mercury Retrograde, and when will it be over, and omg it's so bad (Okay, so mostly from RKOBH). Of course my ass waits until it's passed to actually read up on it. I figured it meant that the current alignment of Mercury was wreaking havoc on peoples lives.
Retrograde means that the planet appears to be moving backward in the sky. Mercury comes from the Latin word merx, or mercator, which means merchant (thank you, Almanac.com) and is also the name that the ancient Romans gave to the Greek god Hermes (yes, before he got epitomized in the form of bright orange boxes and outrageously priced scarves). Anyways, when Mercury's in retrograde, one is supposed to stay calm, don't make any important financial decisions, don't travel, play it safe and keep your head down until the chaos has passed.
Now, I'm looking back at the time period when such chaos was ensuing, and I didn't really have any disasters. I was totally miserable at my old job, but I hooked myself up with a better one. I did give one super shitty haircut, however, that WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! That, I'm going to blame on Mercury Retrograde for sure.
How was your October between the 4th and the 25th?
Retrograde means that the planet appears to be moving backward in the sky. Mercury comes from the Latin word merx, or mercator, which means merchant (thank you, Almanac.com) and is also the name that the ancient Romans gave to the Greek god Hermes (yes, before he got epitomized in the form of bright orange boxes and outrageously priced scarves). Anyways, when Mercury's in retrograde, one is supposed to stay calm, don't make any important financial decisions, don't travel, play it safe and keep your head down until the chaos has passed.
Now, I'm looking back at the time period when such chaos was ensuing, and I didn't really have any disasters. I was totally miserable at my old job, but I hooked myself up with a better one. I did give one super shitty haircut, however, that WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! That, I'm going to blame on Mercury Retrograde for sure.
How was your October between the 4th and the 25th?
October 27, 2014
Almost there....
It won't be long now before Part I of my preternatural series, Broken Bloodlines, will be released as an e-book! I am anticipating a Christmas release and I'm very excited! Broken Bloodlines features twists on new and old creatures, a whole lot of action, and an occasional scintillating erotic scene (of course!) There are many more 'parts' in the works and in my brain, so I hope that all my faithful readers will jump on this train and take this journey with me!
Willow Black Files Update (an erotic tale):
Will Samson give up his post as a Naval Commander, to be able to spend more time with Willow? How will that change their relationship? Is it possible for them to spend too much time together?
Elemental Evil Update (A supernatural adventure series):
Who is Dr. Zoo? More importantly, is he friend or foe? Follow Samila and Morgan on an adventure of several lifetimes- and dimensions!
Catch up with the back story of both web series on the blog: kellyraine.blogspot.com and stay tuned for more!!
October 18, 2014
Career Advancement and I Have Fallen off the Writing Train
Good morning my little munchkins. I have excellent news- I have landed a new job- better paying, better atmosphere, better....everything (insert emoticons of celebrations).
I had a hellish week of back-to-back interviews, one every damn day except on Thursday. Got the news on my Friday lunch break and was breaking out in mini jigs all rest of the day while I moved around Christmas merchandise at the current job. Which gets you covered in glitter. How ironic is it that I never wore glitter-which everyone associates with strippers and whores- while dancing but now twinkle regularly?? (Naked tip-girls, don't ever wear glitter. The key is anonymity- the guys want memories, not physical evidence to take home to their wives. DONT. WEAR. GLITTER. EVER.)
Anyways, I start next month and I'M SO EXCITED!! I have to get pretty much a whole new wardrobe, which is exciting with a touch of sadness. I can wear pretty clothes, and HEELS !!!!! and not sweat my ass off all day! Which in turn, means that a gym membership will be necessary. Not a problem- that is my preferred mode of exercise. A little tiny bit sad because no more yoga pants. So comfy. No more shopping discount :((((
As far as falling off the writing train, I've just been so distracted and exhausted and in business mode that the writing bug gets trampled. Don't worry- I feel it coming back already and I think I will take a train ride today. I don't know if I will ever be able to balance the writer and the businesswoman, they don't like each other. Hmm, should I work on Willow Black or Broken Bloodlines?
By the way, I have had this vampire story in my head for 10 years. And it's still not done. I have such strong moments of wanting to scrap it. I probably should. But I feel like there's a strong, inventive element I can work into it. It just hasn't shown itself to me yet. There's some surprising twist in the plot and the characters that will be amazing once it finally pops out.
I'm listening to electronic dub right now, and it's amazing. Once in a while the alien spaceship sound will go off and I'll jump :P Good Times.
I had a hellish week of back-to-back interviews, one every damn day except on Thursday. Got the news on my Friday lunch break and was breaking out in mini jigs all rest of the day while I moved around Christmas merchandise at the current job. Which gets you covered in glitter. How ironic is it that I never wore glitter-which everyone associates with strippers and whores- while dancing but now twinkle regularly?? (Naked tip-girls, don't ever wear glitter. The key is anonymity- the guys want memories, not physical evidence to take home to their wives. DONT. WEAR. GLITTER. EVER.)
Anyways, I start next month and I'M SO EXCITED!! I have to get pretty much a whole new wardrobe, which is exciting with a touch of sadness. I can wear pretty clothes, and HEELS !!!!! and not sweat my ass off all day! Which in turn, means that a gym membership will be necessary. Not a problem- that is my preferred mode of exercise. A little tiny bit sad because no more yoga pants. So comfy. No more shopping discount :((((
As far as falling off the writing train, I've just been so distracted and exhausted and in business mode that the writing bug gets trampled. Don't worry- I feel it coming back already and I think I will take a train ride today. I don't know if I will ever be able to balance the writer and the businesswoman, they don't like each other. Hmm, should I work on Willow Black or Broken Bloodlines?
By the way, I have had this vampire story in my head for 10 years. And it's still not done. I have such strong moments of wanting to scrap it. I probably should. But I feel like there's a strong, inventive element I can work into it. It just hasn't shown itself to me yet. There's some surprising twist in the plot and the characters that will be amazing once it finally pops out.
I'm listening to electronic dub right now, and it's amazing. Once in a while the alien spaceship sound will go off and I'll jump :P Good Times.
October 15, 2014
I'm fucking exhausted. And the man is talking to me about a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich with crushed cool ranch Doritos? What the fuck? Ok, I'm down. He has led me to great mountains of deliciousness in our two year dance, so I will trust him in this.
This week has been....full, so far. A bunch of interviews- I'm making peace with the uncomfortable button up dress shirts. Yuck. Why do they make them so short? Am I just buying the wrong ones? I suspect the key is high-waisted dress pants, and a belt. And don't forget the cream colored camisole underneath the white shirt. Is it not such a great thing to have your boobs outlined to distract potential employers? Ah, the good ole days when that little detail would make one a shitload of money....
Meanwhile, my current employment has a new district manager who's going to be further up our assholes than our respective colons. What joy. I have been mentally checked out for about a month now and while truthfully, I don't give a flying fuck about pleasing him, or the corporate dickwads, but I will continue to perform my job as wanted.
Ok, it's time for me to check out. Gnite, peeps.
This week has been....full, so far. A bunch of interviews- I'm making peace with the uncomfortable button up dress shirts. Yuck. Why do they make them so short? Am I just buying the wrong ones? I suspect the key is high-waisted dress pants, and a belt. And don't forget the cream colored camisole underneath the white shirt. Is it not such a great thing to have your boobs outlined to distract potential employers? Ah, the good ole days when that little detail would make one a shitload of money....
Meanwhile, my current employment has a new district manager who's going to be further up our assholes than our respective colons. What joy. I have been mentally checked out for about a month now and while truthfully, I don't give a flying fuck about pleasing him, or the corporate dickwads, but I will continue to perform my job as wanted.
Ok, it's time for me to check out. Gnite, peeps.
October 13, 2014
I am entering a second coming, if you will.
Of late, I've been pondering just how I've transformed over the last year and a half. I'm not sure, but I have an inkling, that all retired dancers have to go through a period of rediscovery after the world of nakedness- entering the real world and the job market. Losing the mass of admiring, drooling men creates a weird gray void that is slowly filled in or erased over time. It's not just them, it's being at the top of something that yes, is nothing to be admired, but still- going from top bitch to...bottom of the barrel.
I've been realizing just how much my current place of employment has not helped me find myself. Instead it has further dampered my spirit and zest. It's a very cold place, that very rarely gives feedback and encouragement. The employees are just grunt workers- meant to be used and abused. I've lost track of the hard work ethic and enthusiasm I used to have, and I'm in the process of digging that up again. I know I still have it in me, I just have to shake it awake once again and remind myself that yes, I'm a great worker and deserve a better post. It's like I moved from a position that society frowned upon but which I owned, to one that is slightly abusive. I'm only recently realizing this.
I'm in the process of getting that back, finding it once again. Shaping a stronger, more resilient, slightly arrogant version of myself. I need a little arrogance right now. Bull headedness, not accepting no for an answer. Going full steam ahead, a bit reckless, but also intelligent, and calculating.
Returning to my current job tomorrow, there will be a little more 'fuck you' inside of me, which has been increasing as of late. I will perform my duties as expected, and I will continue to provide excellent customer service, but taking away the anxiety of hoping to please while never getting positive feedback helps me be stronger. Does that make any sense?
Of late, I've been pondering just how I've transformed over the last year and a half. I'm not sure, but I have an inkling, that all retired dancers have to go through a period of rediscovery after the world of nakedness- entering the real world and the job market. Losing the mass of admiring, drooling men creates a weird gray void that is slowly filled in or erased over time. It's not just them, it's being at the top of something that yes, is nothing to be admired, but still- going from top bitch to...bottom of the barrel.
I've been realizing just how much my current place of employment has not helped me find myself. Instead it has further dampered my spirit and zest. It's a very cold place, that very rarely gives feedback and encouragement. The employees are just grunt workers- meant to be used and abused. I've lost track of the hard work ethic and enthusiasm I used to have, and I'm in the process of digging that up again. I know I still have it in me, I just have to shake it awake once again and remind myself that yes, I'm a great worker and deserve a better post. It's like I moved from a position that society frowned upon but which I owned, to one that is slightly abusive. I'm only recently realizing this.
I'm in the process of getting that back, finding it once again. Shaping a stronger, more resilient, slightly arrogant version of myself. I need a little arrogance right now. Bull headedness, not accepting no for an answer. Going full steam ahead, a bit reckless, but also intelligent, and calculating.
Returning to my current job tomorrow, there will be a little more 'fuck you' inside of me, which has been increasing as of late. I will perform my duties as expected, and I will continue to provide excellent customer service, but taking away the anxiety of hoping to please while never getting positive feedback helps me be stronger. Does that make any sense?
October 04, 2014
October 02, 2014
Choo Bear
This is what I come downstairs to in the morning <3 He goes nicely with a fresh cup of coffee :)

I'm going to work for a bit on Elemental Evil, part 5, and decide whether this new character is good or evil. The opinion has been on the side of evil ;)
What is everyone working on today?
Leave me your opinion on the new character in my comments! Dr. Zoo- good or bad?
I'm going to work for a bit on Elemental Evil, part 5, and decide whether this new character is good or evil. The opinion has been on the side of evil ;)
What is everyone working on today?
Leave me your opinion on the new character in my comments! Dr. Zoo- good or bad?
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