It’s a shitty rainy day outside, but it’s Thursday- one day away from the weekend. I have to make this post quick b/c I’m supposed to be studying for a Spanish quiz. This summer session runs for 4 weeks only, so it’s pretty intense. The teacher is super cool though, and funny. Thank God- it’s awful having a crappy teacher for an intense course.
I also have Black American Literature online class that runs till August. After that–I will be done!! Definitely done with academia for a long break, I might go back someday. If I’m anything like my mother, I might take it to Masters level. However….she went there, and never really ended up using it. What’s she doing now? Shoveling cow shit. Not that there’s anything wrong with that–frankly, she loves it. Hell, those that know me know that I love it as well. Like mother, like daughter. I thought I’d be the one to run away with a farmer, but she beat me to it.
I can’t wait to be done with school. Finishing some hurdles this season that have been plaguing me for a while– finished my divorce last week, only took me two years. Who knew a break so seemingly simple would require so much paperwork and tears of frustration? Man, he was so crazy after I left his ass. When I notified him that our marriage was totally kaput, he texted me a very sweet goodbye letter. At least he’s aware of all that I did for him.
Graduation will be the next hurdle. On the one hand, I know that I really wouldn’t have gotten done with it any sooner than I did, but half of me wishes I had discarded the crap and crappy relationships sooner and battened down the hatches and got it done.
However….life runs its course, and sometimes you get it right, but a lot of the time you get it wrong. or just life interferes and doesn’t let you do it right.
Well, I say fuck all that. I look around my current life, and I love it. I’m in such a good place, in an amazing relationship that has done so much for me. There was one person (who will read this, and will know I’m talking about him) who mentioned a couple months ago that I seem to let my relationships interfere with my own personal goals. And he was absolutely right, I did let the shitty relationships interfere way more than they should have, but all in all, I don’t totally regret them. If I could go back….well, what’s the use of going there? I am still young, and I’ve finally found the right island to set up base camp at. Every person on the planet has his own learning experiences and I’ve been lucky with mine. Yes, there is a failed marriage in the mix, but that was my own choice, and NO KIDS!!!! I win
Be back later, fuckers.
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