Chapter 1
In the semi-darkness, Maura stared down at the slumbering babies. Although they were snuffling and making occasional whiny noises in that innocent newborn baby way, Maura knew better. One of them would grow up to become a monster. They would both grow up to be killers.
I should just suffocate them both now, Maura thought briefly. Save everyone the trouble and heartache.
The moment passed, and Maura backed out of the nursery and silently shut the door. She turned and went back down the carpeted hallway.
She stood and watched the parents from the shadows. They were busy fixing dinner in the kitchen while their new charges slept for a few hours. There was a Dening hen stuffed to the wings on the island in the middle of the kitchen and Greg was busy tying up the bird’s wings. Malia was putting together a salad, and Maura was sure it was with vegetables they pulled from the garden in their backyard.
Greg and Malia moved around each other and the kitchen like old pros. Watching them from the shadows, Maura marveled. Their dinner making dance was so smooth, she felt a sharp pang of guilt, then pity. She had come here to murder the newborn twins, and she just couldn’t do it.
But not doing the job meant that these two people would suffer horribly. Along with a lot of other people.
Maura crept past the kitchen doorway, and let herself out of the back door.
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