For those of you that know me, you know that in the past I usually had several projects going on at the same time. I was always overloading myself, and as a result, I never could finish anything.
I understand that I overloaded myself with projects to try to compensate for not having a career going. Now that I have a career started and I'm doing well, I'm not as haunted by the desperation to produce. However, I still have projects and ambitions bouncing around in my brain, and I probably always will.
Last night my creating bug was pestering me to work on my clothing line again. I got on eBay, and looked up dress mannequins. I still have a lot of fabric and my two sewing machines......
STOP. You need to finish your book first, my voice of Reason spoke up and put the brakes to the thought process. Once you finish your book, polish it up and send it off to your first publisher, you can dive right back into your sewing dreams. Book first, Reason told me.
So that's where I'm at. In the book, I'm on the final battle scene. I had to totally rework it, and shape it up to be the first in a trilogy. If I can pull this off, it will be a miracle. But this manuscript deserves a second chance and it's my baby.
I have my first writing group meeting tonight. I am long overdue to make writing connections, and I also need adult friends, LOL. I first attempted to join them a couple of months ago, but I decided I was more into hibernating for the rest of winter. Well, we are all over the damn snow, so I am emerging once again into the world.
Alright, off to the literary trenches.
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