Thought of the Night:
I'm essentially a compilation of three personalities: there's Superficial me, who just wants to shop and get manicures, there's Writer me, who's dorky, humble and concerned with the written word, and there's Serious me, who's professional and focused and productive. Sometimes Serious me mates with Superficial me, which is actually a nice mix.
August 15, 2015
August 10, 2015
Season Guilt
Tonight, I admitted to myself: Summer is not my season.
Most of my life, I have fought against this- every spring, determined to make the most of the warm season. I'm going to go to the beach, go to the lake, plant a magnificent garden and weed it consistently, hang out with people.........
Then around this time in the season I "remember" that I hate hot weather, I get lightheaded every time I stand up due to low blood pressure, I hate crowded beaches, I'm not comfortable swimming in bodies of water where I can't see the bottom, and I really don't want to hang out with people.
I wish Fall lasted forever. See, that is a season. Cooler temperatures, fantastic foliage, wider selection of clothing to wear......
Part of it is seasonal guilt that my mother instilled in me- "Get out there and enjoy the weather!" "Why are you inside? It's beautiful outside!" "We have such a short season, we're already losing daylight!"
Now, I'm not in love with winter. If it was a whole month shorter- say, just cut out the whole month of March- that would be a big improvement. However, I remember my childhood and sitting in my rocking chair in front of the fireplace, and those are some of my favorite ones.
This is also the time of the season when I'm split-half of me is terrified that the summer is drawing to a close, and the other half is getting excited about the oncoming fall.
Most of my life, I have fought against this- every spring, determined to make the most of the warm season. I'm going to go to the beach, go to the lake, plant a magnificent garden and weed it consistently, hang out with people.........
Then around this time in the season I "remember" that I hate hot weather, I get lightheaded every time I stand up due to low blood pressure, I hate crowded beaches, I'm not comfortable swimming in bodies of water where I can't see the bottom, and I really don't want to hang out with people.
I wish Fall lasted forever. See, that is a season. Cooler temperatures, fantastic foliage, wider selection of clothing to wear......
Part of it is seasonal guilt that my mother instilled in me- "Get out there and enjoy the weather!" "Why are you inside? It's beautiful outside!" "We have such a short season, we're already losing daylight!"
Now, I'm not in love with winter. If it was a whole month shorter- say, just cut out the whole month of March- that would be a big improvement. However, I remember my childhood and sitting in my rocking chair in front of the fireplace, and those are some of my favorite ones.
This is also the time of the season when I'm split-half of me is terrified that the summer is drawing to a close, and the other half is getting excited about the oncoming fall.
July 04, 2015
Demon Love
When I woke up today, it was in interruption to a dream I was having: I was sitting in a restaurant kitchen, straddling a wooden bench over in the corner. It was a busy kitchen, with waitstaff and cooks bustling back and forth and orders being yelled out.
In this dream, I was straddling the bench, and a pillow. I was masturbating with the pillow, while the restaurant was in the middle of the dinner rush. And it was just starting to work....
Crazy, right?
So here's a scenario to ponder:
What if the only books published were those made up of people's dreams? People's crazy dreams made up with thousands of pieces of their lives, along with the millions of ways that human emotions are translated and transformed: our fears, our doubts, our anger and our joy. Think of the craziest dream you've ever had (if you can remember one) and imagine that craziness copied and twisted and skewed in millions of other ways.
Imagine that library.
In this dream, I was straddling the bench, and a pillow. I was masturbating with the pillow, while the restaurant was in the middle of the dinner rush. And it was just starting to work....
Crazy, right?
So here's a scenario to ponder:
What if the only books published were those made up of people's dreams? People's crazy dreams made up with thousands of pieces of their lives, along with the millions of ways that human emotions are translated and transformed: our fears, our doubts, our anger and our joy. Think of the craziest dream you've ever had (if you can remember one) and imagine that craziness copied and twisted and skewed in millions of other ways.
Imagine that library.
June 27, 2015
Getting Down into that Smooth Groove....
My outline for the new erotic paranormal novel is coming along nicely! It's so exciting- when the pieces start falling together, and the characters start to wake up and move around.
I'm really putting effort into this outline, an actual outline, instead of just winging it. It's my own personal challenge and experiment- I want to see this outline through to the end, and stick to a framed course. I know how often I get derailed just winging it, so I'm going to see how much better this way is. Knowing the way I am, I need this outline.
Of course I have a bunch of errands to run, so I'm going to have to jump in the shower and go get them done. Yes, there might be a stop at a consignment shop along the way. I'm always on the hunt for pieces of treasure to add to my wardrobe ;) And my summer office wear still needs some help.
I hope everyone has a great weekend, and gets plenty of writing done!
Kelly R.
I'm really putting effort into this outline, an actual outline, instead of just winging it. It's my own personal challenge and experiment- I want to see this outline through to the end, and stick to a framed course. I know how often I get derailed just winging it, so I'm going to see how much better this way is. Knowing the way I am, I need this outline.
Of course I have a bunch of errands to run, so I'm going to have to jump in the shower and go get them done. Yes, there might be a stop at a consignment shop along the way. I'm always on the hunt for pieces of treasure to add to my wardrobe ;) And my summer office wear still needs some help.
I hope everyone has a great weekend, and gets plenty of writing done!
Kelly R.
June 20, 2015
Sexy Research
Thank fuck it's Saturday. I'm not going to get into how uncomfortable this past week was, but you betcha. It did not involve whips and chains, unfortunately.
Ideas swirl in my head regarding my sexy lady in training. It's coming together in little bits here and there, and the platform is growing....
Ideas swirl in my head regarding my sexy lady in training. It's coming together in little bits here and there, and the platform is growing....
lady in red,
June 14, 2015
Relaunch and ReInvention
Okay. So. I think I've got it figured it out.
As you know, I've been struggling to decide what to do with Ms. Kelly Raine. Due to my professional restrictive life, she has lost much of her relevancy over the last couple of years. I've thought about killing her off completely.
However........I just couldn't. Deep down, I knew that I have spent too much time, and have had many adventures with her, to dismiss her completely. But what to do with her?
Why not carry on with two different writing profiles? The main one will carry my paranormal stories, and whatever strangeness I think of. Kelly Raine will be reserved solely for erotica, which was her original platform.
After all, it's not like I'm going to ever stop having dirty thoughts, or coming up with super sexy scenarios and characters. More importantly, she's necessary for a release that is no longer afforded to me due to my professional life.
So moving forward, I will be giving this blog a complete makeover. I will also be introducing a new character who will be my star of a new erotic undertaking. Originally, I designed it to be a series, where new chapters would be introduced through the blog, but now I'm thinking it might be a whole book.
Stay tuned for a remake!!
Kelly Raine
May 10, 2015
LIttle Nook of Crooked
This coming week I have a very busy, crazy schedule. I am about to embark on a serious career undertaking, my biggest break since quitting dancing. In less than two years, I have made more progress than I thought possible, and have clawed my way up from ground zero.
I was doing some Facebook stalking tonight, and looking up some people from my past, and reflecting on those crazy days.
Do I sometimes wish I was still living the easy life, shaking titties for dollar bills? No. But there were a few perks, like free backrubs....ahh, how I miss those! And sitting on my ass for most of the day, not making shit, then bam! Mr. Lonely With a Cash Advance walks through the door, and there you go! $500+ in just a matter of an hour's worth of bullshit.
I seldom get a chance to 'wile out', if you will. You have no idea how often I'm at work, and just want to shout out some crazy gibberish and dance around like a fool. Or make totally inappropriate comments about the size of a coworkers tits or the bulge in the technician's pants. But these days, its all about being professional and grown up, which is fine and great.....99.6% of the time. Kelly Raine is being chiseled down day by day. But she will persevere! Even if it's just a tiny little island that she occupies....I need her. Still. She is my escape. She is my bitch of all that is crazy, inappropriate, sexy, immature.
Ok, I just needed to vent a bit. Tomorrow is Monday, and I will conquer all. Not a large clue of what I'm doing, but hey, I'll figure it out in time. My little bit of dark and demonic history I will hold close to me, and it will be my secret of comfort when shit hits the fan. I've gotten naked in front of hundreds of people.....what the fuck do I have to be nervous about?
I was doing some Facebook stalking tonight, and looking up some people from my past, and reflecting on those crazy days.
Do I sometimes wish I was still living the easy life, shaking titties for dollar bills? No. But there were a few perks, like free backrubs....ahh, how I miss those! And sitting on my ass for most of the day, not making shit, then bam! Mr. Lonely With a Cash Advance walks through the door, and there you go! $500+ in just a matter of an hour's worth of bullshit.
I seldom get a chance to 'wile out', if you will. You have no idea how often I'm at work, and just want to shout out some crazy gibberish and dance around like a fool. Or make totally inappropriate comments about the size of a coworkers tits or the bulge in the technician's pants. But these days, its all about being professional and grown up, which is fine and great.....99.6% of the time. Kelly Raine is being chiseled down day by day. But she will persevere! Even if it's just a tiny little island that she occupies....I need her. Still. She is my escape. She is my bitch of all that is crazy, inappropriate, sexy, immature.
Ok, I just needed to vent a bit. Tomorrow is Monday, and I will conquer all. Not a large clue of what I'm doing, but hey, I'll figure it out in time. My little bit of dark and demonic history I will hold close to me, and it will be my secret of comfort when shit hits the fan. I've gotten naked in front of hundreds of people.....what the fuck do I have to be nervous about?
April 29, 2015
Too Much Cleavage!
It's five-thirty in the frickin' morning and I'm sitting in my living room, my tea kettle about to start screaming in the kitchen. I like a little black tea in the morning to get me going. I have found that the combination of a cup of black tea, followed by a small cup of joe gives me a good prolonged boost of energy, and the tea helps curve hunger pains. Nothing worse than that empty-stomach-in-the-morning feeling. Blech.
Anyway, let me tell you about this dream I had, involving my boss: One morning I decide to wear a super cleavage-y top to work, and my tits were looking quite nice. They were a bit bigger than in real life, and apparently, they offended my boss. By "offended", I mean they were too distracting, and he sent me home to change my shirt.
For some reason, it took me all day to find a different shirt to wear, and then make my way back to work. I didn't get there until six o clock, but I did offer to stay and work on back stuff.
It was a very stressful dream. I was put off by being told to go change, and then all these things happened to me while I was home, that delayed me getting back. No, I can't remember the details, but I remember the stress of it all.
And the boobs.
I miss playing with boobs.
Kelly R.
April 18, 2015
2nd Edition...........
"If' we're talking body......If you love me right/we fuck for life/so put it on me/onandon...."
-ToveLo Talking Body
So I was spending time over at my "real person" social media accounts, but I'm feeling the pull back over here. Probably because my life is all adult now and shit, and I have a bit more freedom over here.
Anyways, I wanted to let my readers know that there will be a 2nd edition of The Awakening coming soon. Ah, the freedom of self-publishing........the writer can constantly improve on their work. And yes, it also opens the world to all sorts of awful writing. But in the same sense, it allows hard working writers (I'm really really trying to be more consistent with!) to have the freedom to explore, and figure out what works, and what doesn't. And in that sense, continuously improve their stuff.
There are a lot of people that are against self-publishing, and the easy free self-publishing options out there are a threat to many people. My first foray into it was the publication of my erotic poetry, that is a POD through Authorhouse. Even though it was fairly expensive, I had a great editing team to work with. And it was exciting- I was about a year into dancing, and I had customers bringing in my book for me to sign. There was also an interview with a writer for the Syracuse New Times and an article written up for the adult column in the back of it. Ahh, good times.
Nicole, I hope your journalism career really took off. You were a fun girl to hang out with and I will forever be jealous that you got to meet Jessie Jane at Adult World.
-ToveLo Talking Body
So I was spending time over at my "real person" social media accounts, but I'm feeling the pull back over here. Probably because my life is all adult now and shit, and I have a bit more freedom over here.
Anyways, I wanted to let my readers know that there will be a 2nd edition of The Awakening coming soon. Ah, the freedom of self-publishing........the writer can constantly improve on their work. And yes, it also opens the world to all sorts of awful writing. But in the same sense, it allows hard working writers (I'm really really trying to be more consistent with!) to have the freedom to explore, and figure out what works, and what doesn't. And in that sense, continuously improve their stuff.
There are a lot of people that are against self-publishing, and the easy free self-publishing options out there are a threat to many people. My first foray into it was the publication of my erotic poetry, that is a POD through Authorhouse. Even though it was fairly expensive, I had a great editing team to work with. And it was exciting- I was about a year into dancing, and I had customers bringing in my book for me to sign. There was also an interview with a writer for the Syracuse New Times and an article written up for the adult column in the back of it. Ahh, good times.
Nicole, I hope your journalism career really took off. You were a fun girl to hang out with and I will forever be jealous that you got to meet Jessie Jane at Adult World.
Jesse Jane,
April 04, 2015
Sneak Peek at The Awakening
Hello loves,
Here's a sneak peak at my paranormal novel, The Awakening, which I published on Amazon last November. This is an introduction to the bad guy, Erazem, who was no one to joke with.
Haven't picked up your copy yet? You better jump on it, before Book 2 comes out! You can pick your copy here.
Broken Bloodlines: Book 1: The Awakening
Published via Amazon Nov 2014
Chapter 4: Erazem
Ethel started down the Dorr's long driveway. She shook her head as she drove the short distance to her abode, which she was just around the curve of the cul-de-sac. She thought about the last time there had been a Morgin born and shook her head. What a crazy time that had been…werewolves running around all over the place….the Dorrs had no idea what they were in for. However, there would be no werewolves this time. Ethel knew what these girls were born for, and as she pulled off the secondary road onto a snow covered trail, and pulled up to her small cottage, she scanned the area carefully. His calling card should have arrived by now, but she never knew what form it was going to take. She was exhausted- setting the Black Binding Spell of Power then helping the parents through the birth had zapped the last of her strength. But she still had to deal with Erazem, and that temper of his. No doubt he had tried to get into Nashel, and was now pissed. He was probably waiting for her inside of her house.
She didn't know how long it would take for her Echo to show up, a Morgin never knew. But it had been centuries since her last one, and like every Morgin, she was eager to once again have the intrinsic bond that the Morgin and Echo shared.
Opening her car door, the smell of sulfur hit her nose and she stifled a gag. God, it was strong. Her heart started beating faster at the same time she chided herself. Of course it was strong. It wasn’t like it was an amateur she was about to deal with. Man, she hated that smell.
It was about three-thirty in the morning and the temperature had dropped significantly. This time in November, she was surprised they hadn't gotten snow yet.
She walked up to her front door and the smell of sulfur changed to the smell of vinegar. Her tongue grew heavy and felt as if fuzz was growing on it. She swallowed hard as she pushed open her front door.
He was sitting in her rocker chair, directly across from the door. At least, his apparition was sitting in her chair. A pair of glowing red eyes floated in front of the headrest of her rocking chair, and the chair rocked slowly back and forth. Ethel’s heart seized up and she frantically tried to pull oxygen into her desperate lungs. She couldn’t move, could only hold onto the hot doorknob in her cold hand and stare at those horrible red, glaring eyes.
She finally managed to suck in air. The sound was raspy, and too loud for the strange silence in the room. She pulled in too much air and nearly had a coughing fit. She knew the eyes were only a projected image, but they still had the power to paralyze. Let’s just get this over with, she told herself.
“Ethel….” Her name was whispered into the air, and the very molecules of it seemed to dance around her, mocking her.
The red eyes glowed and there was another blast of sulphur. As Ethel entered her house, he started to materialize into the form of a man, that wasn’t even close to being a man; he looked awful, she thought. She supposed it was only natural since he hadn’t been active for the last six hundred years.
At least he was dressed decently. She wondered where he had stolen the suit from. He would almost look handsome if he wasn’t so…well…dead looking.
The burning red eyes glowed under a bald head, which was speckled with brown liver spots. The forehead was high and gleamed with an plastic shine. The eyebrows were nearly existent, two thin lines that barely flaked over his deep eye sockets. The high bridge of the nose was merely skeletal with twin black holes. The cheekbones were cut sharply out of the face, and had black shadows underneath them. The lips were thin and the whole mouth caved in, as if all the teeth were missing. The jaw was pointed and the flesh on the neck that disappeared into the white collar of the suit shirt was wrinkled.
The smell of sulfur was replaced by the stink of sour vinegar, the smell of a rotting corpse that refused to lie still. Although he couldn't touch her when he was just apparating in front of her, he could still attack her senses.
His eyes bored into hers and the monster in front of her sneered. The lips pulled up, revealing a gaping black hole, and a line of green slime dribbled down his chin. He brought a hand up to wipe it and the hand was dry and wrinkly, like his skin could be plucked off like chicken skin. Andalova had no doubt that it could be plucked off like chicken skin. Sitting before her was the Master Vampire of the purest bloodline in all of vampires’ histories. She swallowed hard; she was about to be in some deep shit.
Erazem stood up slowly, while his joints popped off like firecrackers. He was massive, and rose above her by at least three feet. Andalova felt herself being pulled forward down her entryway, the door slamming shut behind her. Erazem circled slowly around her, too close to comfort, bending down too close to her neck. His shuffling feet sounded like a pile of autumn leaves. The smell of vinegar was overwhelming; it coated her tongue with sour slime.
He circled around her and stopped behind her, breathing hot, stank breath on her neck. She had only been in the house for a mere four minutes, but it felt like hours had gone by.
“Ethel….” He coaxed her name, it floated over her shoulder. “Do you know how long I have been undead?”
Well, it smells like forever, she thought, before she remembered that he was a damn good mindreader. Oops.
“Since the beginning of time,” she said aloud.
“Exactly.” He replied. He shuffled around to the front of her and had a very dangerous smile on his face. His red demon eyes bored into her frightened hazel eyes.
Erazem leaned in closer. His decayed breath almost made her gag, but she managed to suppress it.
“Ethel, you have disappointed me; I don’t understand why you would waste time and energy trying to keep me out of the city. I want that baby.”
“Sir-the child is very, very sick. It was a difficult birth. I couldn’t take her away from her parents yet or she would die.”
“What is her Echo?” he rumbled.
“A black panther.” Ethel told him.
Erazem was silent for a moment. A new gleam appeared in his demon eyes and he turned and started pacing back and forth across Ethel's living room floor. She could see how Erazem, wherever he really was, was getting stronger by every minute he was awake. His apparition's skin was gaining color, and tightening up. He was starting to look like an old man, instead of a corpse. Ethel, on the other hand, felt like she had contracted the flu virus. Her head was pounding, and she was having hot and cold flashes simultaneously. She closed her eyes and delivered the final blow:
“Erazem, I have read the prophecy. I know what you plan on doing. The protection spell around the city will last nineteen years. For nineteen years, you cannot touch her.”
He stared back at her, his eyes glowing with rage. His lip twisted up with fury and he took a step towards her. Andalova tried to step back, but she was still being held in his telepathic grip.
“You stupid bitch,” he snarled. "You think you can hold that spell in place for nineteen years?"
That spell she had cooked up she had been working on the moment she knew there were Morgins coming. It was so strong that even she couldn't break it once it was activated. Now if she could only keep him from finding out about the twin. If she could save one, there was hope.
“Innocence is a much stronger force than even you, master,” she bit out.
His apparition growled again, a sound that shook the walls of Ethel’s Victorian.
“Give me the counter spell, Ethel!” he threatened with another hideous blast of sulphur.
“There isn’t one!” she whispered.
There was another wall shaking growl of anger. Then the apparition stared at her for a moment, and she wondered what the real Erazem was thinking.
The corner of the thing's mouth turned up.
“Nineteen years, huh?” the thing in front of her said, circling around her. “Hope you didn’t have any plans, m’dear.”
The monster before her chuckled, a sound that was in complete contrast to his body. The sound was hypnotic, and seductive.
Ethel closed her eyes.
February 22, 2015
Sunday Book Review: The Monster's Corner
Great Morning my loyal readers! I was hoping to wake up to find that, miraculously! Spring had broken this spell of extreme cold and snow drifts that we're stuck in, but alas. No go. Dammit.
Alright, I'll stop bitching about the weather. Instead, let's focus on this collection of short stories that I finished a few minutes ago. If you're an Instagram follower (@kellyrwrites) you saw that I put the cover up a few days ago.
Monster's Corner is a collection of short stories from a list of great authors, including Kelley Armstrong, David Liss, Gary A. Braunbeck, and Sarah Pinborough.
I've never been much of a short story reader, I usually avoid them. I'm not sure why, I think I read some boring collection back in the day and it turned me off. This one had such a disturbing cover that I gave it a shot. I mean, come on, how could anyone not peek inside of something that looks like that?
This collection was awesome and just disturbing enough. The very first story, "The Awkward Age", by David Liss, peeked my interest, as it danced on the line between what's appropriate and taboo in a "friendship" between a married man and an underage girl. Yeah. That's what I was thinking too. Don't worry, it ends super gory and the age difference is thrown to the side in light of the disgusting habits of the main character.
There are all sorts of bizarre twists in this collection, and many a bloody, dissected body part gets gnawed on. Creatures from your childhood horror stories are given new life and their true origins are explained better than you've ever read.
I don't even know if I have a favorite, as so many of the stories were so amazing and original and well-written. There was so much gore and blood, and demented children, and bad people that it made my head spin. It was awesome!
Go and get your copy today. As you can see, I borrowed this one from my local library, but I suspect I will have to buy a copy and add it to my personal library. It's just so juicy and gross.
Alright, I'll stop bitching about the weather. Instead, let's focus on this collection of short stories that I finished a few minutes ago. If you're an Instagram follower (@kellyrwrites) you saw that I put the cover up a few days ago.
Monster's Corner is a collection of short stories from a list of great authors, including Kelley Armstrong, David Liss, Gary A. Braunbeck, and Sarah Pinborough.
I've never been much of a short story reader, I usually avoid them. I'm not sure why, I think I read some boring collection back in the day and it turned me off. This one had such a disturbing cover that I gave it a shot. I mean, come on, how could anyone not peek inside of something that looks like that?
There are all sorts of bizarre twists in this collection, and many a bloody, dissected body part gets gnawed on. Creatures from your childhood horror stories are given new life and their true origins are explained better than you've ever read.
I don't even know if I have a favorite, as so many of the stories were so amazing and original and well-written. There was so much gore and blood, and demented children, and bad people that it made my head spin. It was awesome!
Go and get your copy today. As you can see, I borrowed this one from my local library, but I suspect I will have to buy a copy and add it to my personal library. It's just so juicy and gross.
February 15, 2015
Muddle Writing
This has been a lazy weekend. The weather is shit, with sub zero temps and plenty of snow. You know, the kind of weather that makes you want to curl up in bed and not leave it for three more months. Good ole upstate NY.
The lover and I went outside very briefly to brush the snow off our cars and to shovel a path from our back door to the front. (Even though it's unlikely that we will ever need a second escape route, I feel better if we are able to exit through the back. Just in case.) And holy shit, it was nasty out there.I wish it was a bit warmer out, because I would have totally made an awesome snow fort.
However, with the shit weather outside, it should make for great writing weather. I expected to have a great writing day, but I've been muddling through it. I have finished the first couple of scenes that already were played out in my head, so now I'm trying to figure out the next bunch of scenes.
I'm going to go take a break and make a salad.
The lover and I went outside very briefly to brush the snow off our cars and to shovel a path from our back door to the front. (Even though it's unlikely that we will ever need a second escape route, I feel better if we are able to exit through the back. Just in case.) And holy shit, it was nasty out there.I wish it was a bit warmer out, because I would have totally made an awesome snow fort.
However, with the shit weather outside, it should make for great writing weather. I expected to have a great writing day, but I've been muddling through it. I have finished the first couple of scenes that already were played out in my head, so now I'm trying to figure out the next bunch of scenes.
I'm going to go take a break and make a salad.
Broken Bloodlines,
upstate NY,
February 13, 2015
Friday Morning .....
....Is like the day after a long, hard battle. There are the casualties of the week all around you- dishes & dirty clothes piled up, the litter box needs emptying, my mind needs emptying.....and just a few more hours of struggle before the weekend begins & you can clean things up.
Ok, a bit of an exaggeration. My house doesn't get that dirty. But it feels like it gets super disorganized and messy.
I love the weekends. After so many years of not having the whole weekend, every weekend for leisure it's still a novelty.
This week was killer. Both personal and work-wise. But it's almost over 😎 and it will be spring....eventually.
Hope your Friday goes Fabulously!
Live & Light,
February 10, 2015
Let Me Tell You A Story....
Getting this new book cover made me think back over as to how I first came up with the idea for this book.
I know I've touched on this in previous entries, but the first vampire-thing-a bit before that Twilight crap- that got my engines revving was the first Underworld movie.
There. The seed planted.
The next thing was a memory that surfaced of the pre-teen series The Animorphs. Remember that series? The kids that could transform into a certain animal?
And the final bit that slid into place: the trilogy The Golden Compass. I LOVED that goddamned series! That was an awesome escape as a kid.
Calissa and Kaellina Dorr are twin sisters who are at odds from day 1. They are Morgins, born to human parents. Meaning, that Calissa came out with a peregrin falcon chic, and Kaellina came out with a black panther cub. Yeah, that's right-Came out with. Morgins have a long history, and only show up when chaos is about to kick off. Morgins usually only come one person at a time....what do you think twins signify?
They both get mixed up with some bad ass vampires shortly after their 19th birthday, and yadda yadda, there's going to be a second book.
How do you like that?
Pick up your copy of Broken Bloodlines, Book 1: The Awakening here.
I know I've touched on this in previous entries, but the first vampire-thing-a bit before that Twilight crap- that got my engines revving was the first Underworld movie.
There. The seed planted.
The next thing was a memory that surfaced of the pre-teen series The Animorphs. Remember that series? The kids that could transform into a certain animal?
And the final bit that slid into place: the trilogy The Golden Compass. I LOVED that goddamned series! That was an awesome escape as a kid.
Calissa and Kaellina Dorr are twin sisters who are at odds from day 1. They are Morgins, born to human parents. Meaning, that Calissa came out with a peregrin falcon chic, and Kaellina came out with a black panther cub. Yeah, that's right-Came out with. Morgins have a long history, and only show up when chaos is about to kick off. Morgins usually only come one person at a time....what do you think twins signify?
They both get mixed up with some bad ass vampires shortly after their 19th birthday, and yadda yadda, there's going to be a second book.
How do you like that?
Pick up your copy of Broken Bloodlines, Book 1: The Awakening here.
Broken Bloodlines,
January 18, 2015
Writing Update
Beautiful Sunday! Beautiful steaming cup of coffee on my left, and all my materials for working on Book 2 of the Broken Bloodlines series on my right. Those include my laptop (which I'm using to write this before I really dive in for the day), my Kishi Kishi binder(left hand picture)
full of sections of colored paper devoted to certain subjects, like character details, location details, etc. and a wonderfully designed composition book (right hand picture) (thank you VG!) that I use for chapter starts, writing out plot/character issues, and general writer's block breakthrough. I often find that if I start a chapter by hand it will start to plan itself out enough so that I can switch to the laptop.
I had quite a non-writing lull after I published Book 1. I don't know if it was just due to the career transition I was doing around the same time, or if I'll always need a break like that before starting the next. I hope to jump back into the fray sooner. I published Book 1 on Thanksgiving, and I didn't really dive back into Book 2 until about 2 weeks ago.
I'm giving myself a full 10 months to write this one, and a month for editing so I'm tentatively planning on getting this one out for Christmas.
Book 1: The Awakening has been well-received, and I already have people asking about the second one. If you haven't downloaded your copy yet, you can find it on Amazon here.
Thank you all,
full of sections of colored paper devoted to certain subjects, like character details, location details, etc. and a wonderfully designed composition book (right hand picture) (thank you VG!) that I use for chapter starts, writing out plot/character issues, and general writer's block breakthrough. I often find that if I start a chapter by hand it will start to plan itself out enough so that I can switch to the laptop.
I'm giving myself a full 10 months to write this one, and a month for editing so I'm tentatively planning on getting this one out for Christmas.
Book 1: The Awakening has been well-received, and I already have people asking about the second one. If you haven't downloaded your copy yet, you can find it on Amazon here.
Thank you all,
Broken Bloodlines,
January 04, 2015
Sunday Book Review: The Alpha's Search, by Natalie Shaw
The Alpha's Search
By: Natalie Shaw (
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Who doesn't love a good paranormal romance, with super hot men (and women)? The Alpha's Search is one such book.
The first two chapters get you caught up with the current life of the main character, Jackie. As an American, I was taken in by the British vernacular and slang, which these first two chapters are full of. Jackie works at a travel agency and business is slow until a mysterious, beautiful man shows up and tells her a crazy story.
The Alpha has been looking for Jackie for 40 years and finds her just in time. Due to an accident that Jackie had five years previously, she doesn't remember her life before it. But the Alpha seems to know all about her, and once the enemy shows itself, Jackie is forced to trust the Alpha.
Jackie (who's real name is Louise, btw), with the gorgeous Alpha by her side, embarks on a dangerous, crazy journey that still seems like a dream even close to the end.
The Alpha's Search is the first in the Craven Trilogy, and I've already bought the next two books. It's engaging writing, with plenty of action and well-written intimacy.
This is a great series by the talented Natalie Shaw. Visit her site at: You can order all the books from her website or any major e-book retailers.
By: Natalie Shaw (
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Who doesn't love a good paranormal romance, with super hot men (and women)? The Alpha's Search is one such book.
The first two chapters get you caught up with the current life of the main character, Jackie. As an American, I was taken in by the British vernacular and slang, which these first two chapters are full of. Jackie works at a travel agency and business is slow until a mysterious, beautiful man shows up and tells her a crazy story.
The Alpha has been looking for Jackie for 40 years and finds her just in time. Due to an accident that Jackie had five years previously, she doesn't remember her life before it. But the Alpha seems to know all about her, and once the enemy shows itself, Jackie is forced to trust the Alpha.
Jackie (who's real name is Louise, btw), with the gorgeous Alpha by her side, embarks on a dangerous, crazy journey that still seems like a dream even close to the end.
The Alpha's Search is the first in the Craven Trilogy, and I've already bought the next two books. It's engaging writing, with plenty of action and well-written intimacy.
This is a great series by the talented Natalie Shaw. Visit her site at: You can order all the books from her website or any major e-book retailers.
January 01, 2015
A New Year Begins...
Welcome to 2015! I was the head of the committee that designed it, what do you think of it so far? ;)
Seriously though, 2014 was a damn good year for me. I made very good strides career-wise, and got out of the soul-sucking place I was at before.
A & I had an awesome summer trip to Vermont, where we got engaged <3 Vermont is an amazing place, there will be another trip in the future.
2015 is my last year of my twenties. I'm mostly ok with turning 30, there's only a tiny part of me that's doing tight circles of panic. However, I think I packed more than enough craziness into my twenties, heh heh. I was subjected to so much craziness, met so many crazy people- some crazy in an awesomely talented way, but more that were the bad, dysfunctional crazy. I had so many adventures, got to feel up some beautiful woman ;) , made a couple of bad decisions, and some great ones.
I'm so much happier and wiser than I was at the eve of my 20th birthday. And that's the point kids- for you to get better at getting out of your own way as you get older.
Seriously though, 2014 was a damn good year for me. I made very good strides career-wise, and got out of the soul-sucking place I was at before.
A & I had an awesome summer trip to Vermont, where we got engaged <3 Vermont is an amazing place, there will be another trip in the future.
2015 is my last year of my twenties. I'm mostly ok with turning 30, there's only a tiny part of me that's doing tight circles of panic. However, I think I packed more than enough craziness into my twenties, heh heh. I was subjected to so much craziness, met so many crazy people- some crazy in an awesomely talented way, but more that were the bad, dysfunctional crazy. I had so many adventures, got to feel up some beautiful woman ;) , made a couple of bad decisions, and some great ones.
I'm so much happier and wiser than I was at the eve of my 20th birthday. And that's the point kids- for you to get better at getting out of your own way as you get older.
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