I've always wanted to be more of a regular, strictly self-disciplined person. Well, 'regular', other than bowel movements, has never been me. Apparently, I possess too much of a creative dreamy brain, and along with a bit of ADD, I get bored quickly. I'm half in awe, half in pbbbttt! of those super-internally powered individuals who get in a workout every day, or get 1000 words written every day, no matter what. Those types get so much more done than I do because they don't have to waste time figuring out "what works for them today".
Today I'm writing to blues music. The day before it was classical. Today I feel very motivated and that the juices are flowing a bit better, yesterday it was quite a struggle.
Maybe I just have to figure it out every day. I just need to accept the fact that I'm never going to be a regular writer, and I need to get better at figuring out my writing specs for the day, faster.
Maybe I have a male Muse. Maybe if I turn "it" into more of a boss figure, that would help keep my butt in the chair?
Maybe I think too much.
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