So funny story....
I had just parked my car at work yesterday and had only taken one step after shutting my door, and Whoop! My feet slipped out from under me and I landed flat on my back, in the snow between two cars. I lay there for a second, as it was so unexpected, and briefly wondered what happened.
Halfway through the night, I woke with the worst shoulder and neck pain and thought, Did I really sleep that poorly? I couldn't even sit-up (still cant!) I've never gotten whiplash from falling, it's a new experience. How's your winter going?
I have an upcoming interview, for a higher position in the store. It will be full-time w/ benefits and a bit more of a regular schedule. I am going to pursue it, but I sort of have some doubt setting in. I crave a normal, 9-5, weekends off type of job. I can't stand the back and forth scheduling, but I remind myself it's always better once I get there. So, if I get the promotion great, and if I don't, not the end of the world.
That's where writing motivation comes from. I need to keep working on it, and maybe someday if I'm lucky, I can be a full-time writer.
In the meantime, I have dishes to wash.
Its hard work juggling a FT 9-5 Job and aspiring to be more then just an "employee for someone else" I hope you get some hot packs and stretch (Ive had whiplash from snowboarding...#winterwoes) Take it easy and love you and hope the promotion goes threw :-) you deserve it xoxoxo