April 28, 2014

Writing & Vampires

I think I get too serious about writing. I mean, there is quite a bit that has be serious- correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc. But the story itself- why do I struggle to be more imaginative and take more risks? Lord knows I still have the imagination of a 10-year old, why do I have so much trouble translating that on paper?
 I have loved the written word....books....writing....since I can remember.  I loved adventure stories the most, and am fascinated with all sorts of creatures, that's why the paranormal genre is really the best avenue for me. Then I can just make shit up. 
Which brings me to my next case-in-point: when it comes to vampires, I don't believe there's really a set bunch of rules. There are many many different versions of them in ancient worldwide folklore, and yes, there are two "rules" that usually show up: sunlight is not a friend, and blood is yummy. But whether that blood should be let through a thigh artery, or a newborn's pinkie, changes depending on the part of the world. Along with different methods for protecting yourself from them.
 And as writers, I believe we're allowed to shape our vampires however we want. I personally love the Underworld version the best: they live in dreary castles, wear sexy black costumes complete with dusters, and are aristocratic snobs. I love the blue-black backdrop of those movies and let's not get me started on Selena.... ;)
 Vampires should be deadly, and sexy as hell. I suppose that's why vamp chic lit *sneer* has never really pulled me in. It's too normal. Vampires are not normal. Vampires are Gods of the Dark. 
 Every guy that I've dated has rolled his eyes when I start talking vampires. I know, most guys think they're corny. 
 However, the women with any sense know- Vampires can get it. 
  Ok, I need to go listen to mine. 

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